The Rotaryjet Preloaded Injector Has Been Registered By The European Patent Institute

Rotaryjet Preloaded Injector containing an accessory system for the storage and injection of an intraocular lens, has been registered by the European Patent Institute (EPI). This patented technology minimises the use of viscoelastic material in intraocular lens implantation and provides ultimate ease of use.

Rotaryjet offers ease of use with its specially designed lens-folding system. In this manner, cataract surgeries can be performed without having to place the lens into the injector. The aim is to reduce the human-induced error ratio during the lens’s preparation before the surgery and to reduce the duration of the surgery by facilitating the procedure.

With only a 60⁰ rotational movement, we can obtain a 130⁰ intraocular lens (IOL) folding. Therefore, a small rotation is enough to complete the IOL folding in the cartridge. With the help of the injector, the risk of contamination that might arise during the pre-operative preparation process is also minimised and thus patient safety is predicted to increase.

Moreover, it can be used with a BSS, thereby reducing the use of viscoelastic material in cataract surgery and RLE operations, and thus lowering the operation cost by providing ease of use with its patented folding technique.


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